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International Education Conference

25 december 2023

Op 24 december 2023 vond een internationale online conferentie plaats over islamitisch onderwijs wereldwijd, georganiseerd door NIDA Trust UK.

International Education Conference 2023

Organised by Nida Trust in partnership with

Date: Sunday 24th December 2023 

Time: 6pm - 9pm (UK Time)

Location: Online

FREE Registration: 

The Future of Muslim Education

By Prof. Recep Şentürk - Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

The Heart of Education – Establishing Love & Compassion

By Shaykh Jahangir Mahmud - Teacher-Trainer, Islamic Research Scholar and Educationist, Pakistan

Developing an Integrated Curriculum

By Asma Claassen - Director and Expert on Education, Tarbiya and Identity of Islam-Wise, Netherlands 

Islamic Pedagogy: Potential and Possibilities

By Dr. Nadeem Memon - Senior Research Fellow and Program Director for Islamic Education, University of South Australia

Transformational Leadership - Leading Schools Towards Excellence

By Habeeb Quadri, Executive Leader at MCC Academy and Chairman of Muslim Youth of North America Advisory Board, USA

Tackling Underachievement of Muslim students

By Rukhsana Yaqoob, Education Consultant and Leadership Coach. Former President of the Muslim Teachers’ Association, UK

Positive Leadership - From Desperation to Hope

By Edris Khamissa - International Consultant in Education and Human Development. Chairman of the Association Muslim Schools, South Africa and Steering Committee of Global Association of Islamic Schools

Examining the Impact of Education on Identity Formation

By Dr. Abdullah Sahin - Reader in Islamic Education at the Department of Education Studies, University of Warwick, UK

Lessons from the Istanbul Education Summit 2023

By Dr. Birol Akgün - President of the Turkish Maarif Foundation, Turkey

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