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Knowledge Platform Inclusive Society (KIS)

Charter Mosque Education

Together with a number of mosques and experts, including Islam-Wise, the Knowledge Platform Inclusive Society (KIS) has developed a guideline for mosque authorities. It is a knowledge base that can provide a basis for further improving the quality of mosque education step by step. After all, striving for what is best (iḥsān) is at the heart of Islamic education! You can download the quality framework and associated products here.

For many Muslim parents it is important that their children gain knowledge about their faith. A large proportion of Muslim children in the Netherlands between the ages of 4 and 14 therefore attend informal weekly education at mosques. KIS has developed a guideline for mosque authorities to work on the further development of their education.

With this framework, mosque boards themselves can work on the further development of their education, making all the substantive choices themselves. It is emphatically not a blueprint but a tool that provides a basis for setting up a development process.

⤵️ Watch the new video about mosque education now 🎥

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